If you own a Whoodle or are interested in this mixed breed, you may be surprised to learn that there is much to know about these furry friends. Here are ten things you should know about Whoodles.

1. Do Black Whoodles change color?
No. The black coat color remains black until the Woodle puppy reaches adulthood. Only the Red and Cream Whoodles lighten or darken as they age.
2. How often should you bathe your Woodle?
People have a ton of different opinions on how often to bathe their dogs. Some people wash their dogs every day, others only once or twice a month. There is no wrong way to do it! Just make sure that you are showering your pup enough so that they remain clean.
Your Whoodle’s hair length may affect how often you bathe them. If you love long Whoodle haircuts, keep the hair clean and free of dirt and debris so that the dander can escape easily.
Similarly, your Whoodle’s high-energy levels could indicate that they really enjoy playing in puddles of water, rolling in the dirt, digging holes, and so on — meaning their cleaning time is going to be a lot longer than usual.
3. Do Whoodles need long-term coat care?
Yes. This is because the Whoodle’s coat is naturally long; it gets even longer with every passing month.
Will your Whoodle require frequent trips to the groomer to keep his full body trimmed? You bet! Their curly hair sheds minimally, so you’ll regularly need someone to come and take care of it for you.
A professional groomer will give your Whoodle a full-body clip-in, depending on the style you want. The shorter the coat, the more your Whoodle will look and feel his best.
Don’t forget to talk to your groomer about your Whoodle’s haircut so to get a sense of what kind of care you’ll need.
4. How often should you cut my Whoodle’s hair?
Cut your Whoodle’s hair regularly to keep it looking its best! People usually go by the recommended 4-6 week interval between professional grooming and clipping, but you can always go a little longer if you like.
Besides grooming needs, your Whoodle also has training and dietary needs. Read our Whoodle Dog Breed Profile to learn more about caring for this pup.
5. What are the cons of owning a Whoodle?
One of the biggest downsides of owning a Whoodle is the need to constantly brush their hair to prevent mats from forming. You also need to equip yourself with a variety of grooming tools at home or take your furry friend to a professional groomer several times a year for a full body clip-in.
If you can’t afford to groom your Whoodle or take the time to do so, do not get this dog. She will only end up looking messy and unattractive.
Additionally, they need lots of training and mental stimulation. There’s also the fact that Whoodle is still considered rare, so you may have to wait a long time to get your hands on one of these puppies.
The next downside: Whoodles love spending time with their owners, but they can be anxious when separated from them. This can be a problem if you lead a busy life.
6. Are Whoodles hypoallergenic?
Yes. Whoodles don’t produce as many allergens as purebred dogs so allergy sufferers can raise them without worries.
7. How long do Whoodles live?
As long as you meet all of Whoodle’s care requirements, he can keep you company for 12 to 15 years.
8. Are Whoodles fast runners?

Yes. Whoodles are a very active and sporty breed, so they’re always up for running games like chase the person, zig-zag, and hard to get.
9. Is the Whoodle recognized by the American Kennel Club?
No, the American Kennel Club doesn’t recognize the Whoodles as it is still early in its development. On the bright side, this hybrid dog is recognized by the American Canine Hybrid Club.
10. What are baby Whoodles called?

As of the moment, there is no official name for baby Whoodles. People just refer to them as Whoodle puppies.
My BLACK Whoodle absolutely changed color. The color change started within the first year. She is mostly an ombré grey now. As adorable as ever at two years 2 months old. Curious. A bit mischievous. Very fun, sweet doggie.