Have you ever wondered if taking your grooming routine to the next level and shaving your Pug is okay? You’re not alone. Many pet owners have also asked themselves this question: Can I shave my Pug?
This article enumerates five reasons why you should ditch the razor. Ready? Let’s get to it!

The Pug’s Double Coat
Firstly, let us explain what we mean by “double coat.” A double-coated breed has two layers of fur: an outer layer (guard hairs) and an undercoat. The guard hairs are thicker and longer than the undercoat, while the undercoat is shorter and softer. This extra layer helps keep these pups warm during colder months. Fawn Pugs and some Black Pugs have this coat type.
One thing to note about the double coat is that it sheds quite heavily during certain times of the year.
Other breeds with double coats include Anatolian Shepherd Great Pyrenees Mix, Chihuahua Pug Mix, Beagador, Samoyeds, Chows, Huskies, German Shepherds, Labradors, Border Collies, Golden Retrievers, and Pomeranians.
Can I Shave My Pug? The Answer Is No!
If you’ve been considering shaving your pug to keep them cool in hot weather, it’s time to put away the razor.
You should not shave your pug. While it may seem like a good idea at first, there are several reasons why this is not only unnecessary but potentially dangerous for your Pug.
Reasons Why You Should Not Shave Your Pug
Consider these valid reasons before taking any steps towards shaving your beloved pet.
1. Shaving exposes your Pug to bugs, insects, and parasites.
Pugs are known for their thick fur coats, which act as a protective layer against harmful elements. When you shave your pug’s coat, you’re essentially stripping away that natural barrier and leaving them vulnerable to bites and infections from pests. Fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes are common culprits that can cause itching or even transmit diseases to your beloved companion.
Moreover, when your Pug’s coat is shaved off completely or partially, its skin becomes exposed, making it easier for bacteria and fungi to penetrate. If you’re in the habit of shaving your Pug’s coat, it’s time to think twice before reaching for the shaver!
2. Shaving makes your Pug susceptible to sunburn and skin cancer.
Keep in mind that shaving the fur completely off exposes their sensitive skin to dangerous levels of sunlight and increases the likelihood that they will develop sunburns or, even worse, a form of skin cancer later in life.
So what should you do instead? Careful trimming and grooming can relieve your Pug during hot days without jeopardizing its health.
3. Shaving irritates your Pug’s skin.
Constant shaving can make them vulnerable to skin irritation and rashes caused by the hair follicles becoming inflamed due to being cut too close. This inevitably results in severe itching or scratching for your Pug.
4. Shaving damages the topcoat’s condition and the hair’s cycle.
Prolonged or excessive brushing can cause irreparable damage to the topcoat and hair cycle, ultimately resulting in unpredictable and potentially endless shedding. Regrowth of the topcoat may take up to two full years, while severe cases often result in alopecia, with some spots possibly not regrowing any hair at all. Consequently, a need for continued shaving of your dog throughout its lifetime is possible.
5. Shaving doesn’t make your Pug shed less.
We all know that Pugs shed significantly more than breeds with a single coat. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be an effective method for preventing this from occurring. Not even shaving your Pug will stop it; there would still be an abundance of shed hairs, only at a shorter length.
How To Minimize Pug Hair Around The House
Skip the shaving; there are easy ways to manage all that Pug hair in your home.
Brush your Pug’s hair regularly: By taking just a few minutes each day to brush your Pug, you’ll be amazed at how much less hair accumulates on your floors and furniture.
Plus, daily grooming sessions can help strengthen the bond between you and your pug. Make it a relaxing ritual by incorporating treats or positive reinforcement. Not only will this improve their overall behavior, but it will create a special connection between the two of you.
Invest in a high-quality vacuum cleaner: Not only will it save you time and energy, but it will also minimize pug hair around your home. A good vacuum cleaner is essential for pet owners who want to keep their houses free of dander,
When shopping for a vacuum cleaner, look for one with strong suction power and effective filtration systems. This will ensure that even the tiniest Pug hairs are picked up from carpets, furniture, and hard floors.
Bathe your Pug regularly: These furry little creatures are known for their constant shedding, and bath time can be the perfect opportunity to tackle this problem head-on. Pugs will shed the most during and after a bath, so make bathing a part of your regular grooming routine.

Not only will regular baths help control shedding, but they’ll also help keep your pug’s coat healthy and shiny.
But that’s not all. Pugs have sensitive skin, so choosing the right shampoo is essential to avoid skin irritations or dryness. A gentle dog shampoo that doesn’t contain harsh chemicals or fragrances is ideal for these little guys as it won’t strip their coats of natural oils.
Use Furniture Slipcovers: Slipcovers can be a game-changer when minimizing Pug hair in your home. They tightly fit any piece of furniture and serve as a protective shield between dog hair and the fabric underneath. These covers are available in various colors and patterns, blending seamlessly into existing decor.
Furthermore, slipcovers provide a useful way to protect furniture from damage caused by pet hair. These covers are usually machine-washable, making them a convenient choice for those who need to give their upholstery regular cleaning.
To Sum Up
Shaving your Pug is not recommended for a variety of reasons. From potential skin problems to long-term coat damage, it’s better to avoid this grooming practice altogether. Instead, follow our tips on how to manage Pug hair in your home.