Our furry friends have an incredible sense of smell, as we all know.
They have a 10,000 to 100,000 times stronger sense of smell than people! They have the ability to smell foodstuff, track humans and animals from great distances, and even feel human emotions.

Whenever it comes to a dog’s sense of smell, though, not all varieties are equal. Since there is greater area for scent-detecting receptors in long-nosed dogs, they generally have a superior sense of smell.
These canines are adored by thousands throughout the world due to their great ability to smell and beautiful appearance. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most common dog breeds with long snouts. Let’s get started!
1. Dachshund

This is a German national dog with a coat colour of chocolate, brindle, or pure red. They make for a great lap dog because they are amiable, gentle, and relaxed. This indicates that they were bred to amuse their masters.
Based on whether they are conventional or miniature, they weigh from five and sixteen pounds in general. Their height ranges from 5 to 9 inches.
Dachshunds are a petite breed of dog that belongs to the sporting family. They have a robust physique, stumpy legs, and a stronger sense of smell because of their long, flat, downward-pointing nose.
Their silky coat complements their beautiful blue oval eyes and sharply pointed noses.
They are also known as the Weiner dog and can be highly temperamental. They’re not particularly aggressive dogs, but they are very loyal and can show aggression in the name of protecting their owners.
2. Greyhound

The body of the English greyhound is thin, with rigid limbs and a large head. A small pointed snout that aids with the streamlined movement of its body throughout races, allowing it to run quicker than its rivals.
They are standard size, weighing 55 and 80 lbs and standing between 27 and 30 inches tall.
The dog is as fascinating as it is unpredictable.
The dog can be aloof with newcomers and violent and disruptive at times. They are, nonetheless, pleasant to their acquaintances and happily spend time with their family. They don’t require regular intense exercise or frequent grooming, so they’re low-maintenance.
3. German Shepherd

The German Shepherd, like retrievers, is among the most adaptable dogs. Long-nosed hunting dogs, which originated in Germany, have such a wolf-like look with upright ears and a pointed dark coloured nose.
They stand between 24 and 26 inches tall and weigh 50 to 88 pounds in general.
In addition to being a shepherd dog, the Alsatian wolf dog is indeed a wolf dog.
They are highly trainable, obedient, have a strong work ethic, and are intelligent. They’ve also been utilised as disability support dogs, mountain rescue dogs, and law enforcement and military service animals as a result of this.
4. Airedale Terrier

This is the largest of the Terrier family’s terriers. It is a moderately sized dog, weighing roughly 60 pounds.
This multi-purpose worker dog is the king of the terriers. It is very well known for its hard labour on the ranches and farmland, where it guards the house and controls pests, among other things.
Wide nosed terriers, sometimes known as waterside or Bingley terriers, are ideal for hunting adventures.
As you may know, Airedales used to catch badgers, water rodents, and otters, as well as keeping watch of animals and cattle in general. The breed is quite adaptable, with a high level of endurance and an active demeanour.
5. Pharaoh Hound

Pharaoh hounds are one of the oldest breeds in history, having originated in Malta.
They have large upright ears, small skulls, and a long sharp nose that is ideal for sprinting. These bunny eyes feature a strong body that keeps them in excellent racing shape.
Their snout size isn’t the only thing that sets them apart. They are born with light eyes that evolve into golden or brown as they mature. Furthermore, they, like people, may blush, becoming pink on their face when joyful or aroused.
6. Bloodhound

The bloodhound is a large hound well renowned for monitoring the movement of individuals and tracking people. It was bred specifically as a hunting dog. From the skull to the feet, they have a huge skeletal framework.
They also have a nose that is exceptionally broad and extended, allowing for many physiological controls. It’s a dark shade of black. Bloodhounds weigh 80 – 160 lbs and stand 23 to 27 inches tall on average.
They have a kind demeanour and are extremely focused and committed when tracing a scent. Sadly, these hounds are notoriously tough to tame. However, they are even-tempered and friendly, making them an excellent family pet.
7. Borzoi

The Borzoi is a hunting dog that originated in Siberia that kills bunnies, foxes, and wolves. Their unique nose shape and pointy snout allows the dog’s nose to perform at their best while chasing.
They evolved into regal dogs in Europe over time. This is due to their sleek and stylish appearance. The Russian wolfhound, sometimes known as the Russian greyhound, is a sight Hound that looks like a greyhound.
It weighs 55 – 85 lbs and stands 27 to 33 inches tall. It has evolved into a domestic dog with a dense, velvety coat, long hair, a rounded body, and, most importantly, a pointy nose.
The dog is self-sufficient and active, and he has a high regard for people. They have a strong sense of leadership and are tolerant and gentle.
8. Whippet

The whippet is a dog that looks a lot like a greyhound. Legs that are slender, thin, and lofty, and a back that is curved.
They’re usually raised for capturing bunnies, chasing events, straight racing, and the unique show flair, and they’re also known as the snap dog.
They aren’t built to race quickly, thus they only participate in non-competitive events like shows, luring courses, and volunteer racing. They weigh between nine and 19 lbs in general and have a life cycle of up to 14 years.
They are a cheerful bunch that enjoy outdoor adventures and even idle evenings, and they are devoted to their family.
9. Doberman Pinscher

The Doberman is known for having the most clipped ears of any dog breed. However, these robust and ferocious dogs possess snouts to assist them in their function as protectors.
This long-muzzled dog has been used as a guard dog in the United States, Canada, and Europe since the nineteenth century. They are almost the same size as the dogs in terms of body weight.
They have a strong and determined personality. Their masters have smart, affectionate, and dedicated companions. They’re one of the most determined and devoted canines you’ll ever meet.
10. Poodle

The poodle is a little dog with a really long nose that can be traced back to Germany. The poodle, like so many other petite breeds, is a silly, playful, and sociable creature.
Poodles, along with many other tiny breeds, are toy dogs developed solely to delight their masters. They appear in three different types, each with a similarly long nose. They come in three sizes: regular, tiny, and toy.
They are among the most highly trainable, except from the bearded collie, despite their playful nature.
It is a skilled athlete who is also eager to learn, loyalty train, track, and execute circus acts. Their sociable nature allows them to play with just about everyone. Very dependable, calm, and composed.
11. Ibizan Hound

They have long snouts and huge ears, comparable to the Pharaoh hound mentioned above. This hound is extremely clean and cautious, as well as clever and well-behaved in training. They’re great watchdogs who only bark when absolutely necessary.
The Ibizan hound is between 22 – 29 inches tall and weighs 40 to 65 lbs. Because of their reproductive nature, they require regular exercise and household training to prevent becoming completely lost if they decide to flee.
12. Basset Hound

Basset Hounds are known for their drooping ears and lengthy faces. Their noses are thick and broad, and their nostrils are huge and wide, giving them a strong sense of smell.
These scenthounds were initially developed to hunt rabbits and animals in Continental europe. They were famous amongst French aristocracy who enjoyed hunting because they were so precise and tenacious in the tracking game.
The sagging skin of a Basset’s face helps maintain the scent up close, while the ears help stir odours up the nostrils. As a result, Bassets are regarded as being among the best in terms of hunting and smell work.
13. Bull Terrier

Bull Terriers are known as clown dogs in the animal world. It’s partially related to their goofy and naughty demeanour, and partly because of their beautiful look.
The Bull Terrier’s long, egg-shaped skull is a distinguishing feature. Their heads have an oval form when seen from the front, with no depressions or ridges.
Between both the ears, their skulls are smooth and softly slope down to the end of the snout. They also have pointy ears and narrow tilted eyes.
Bull Terriers are regarded as highly amiable dogs, considering their nasty background in dogfighting. Any Bull Terrier owner knows how loving their dogs are and how much they spend quality time with their owners.
As members of the terrier family, these animals have limitless energy and a natural hunting instinct. Training and agility events, barnyard hunts, and even K-9 duty would be fun for Bull Terriers.
14. Afghan Hound

The renowned Afghan Hound is up next. These lengthy dogs have been around since the beginning of time. For ages, aristocracy in Asia used them as symbols of power and game partners because of their hunting ability.
Afghan Hounds have extremely strict breed requirements, particularly when it comes to their heads.
Their heads should be slightly elongated but not overly so. Their nose skeletal structure should have a modest protrusion, giving them a Roman aspect.
Their jaws are characterized as “big and severe,” with a flat mouth that is suitable. This implies that the top and bottom teeth should be in perfect alignment. Afghan Hounds are a legendary breed with a long history.
There are many legends and myths surrounding these magnificent dogs. Afghan Hounds are said to have symbolized canines on Noah’s Ark.
When the ark started to leak, Noah instructed them to use their long faces to cover the holes, hence why dogs had wet noses.
15. Beagle

The head of a Beagle is described as “quite long” in the AKC breeding practices. It has a moderate, square-cut snout and is conical at the front. Their big, open nostrils, combined with their long snouts, give them remarkable scenting skills.
Beagles are scent hounds that were bred to chase bunnies and badgers in the past.
Many individuals now raise them as pets, but they’re still used in a variety of smell detecting activities. In reality, airports use a team of dogs known as the “Beagle Brigade.”
The US Department of Agriculture and the National Security Agency “decided to hire” these Beagles to sniff out unlawful plants, food, and animal goods.